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High-Quality Sewer Line Replacement

Your sewer line plays a vital role in your plumbing system. It bridges the gap between your home’s drainage system and the main sewer drain in your city. It is imperative to keep it in good working order. Otherwise, sewage will not make it from your home to the main drain. Fortunately, Specialty Plumbing can help with that. We provide sewer line replacement to Prosper, TX residents, enabling them to have a home that functions at its best. We are a family-owned business with years of experience, ensuring our customers receive the best quality care possible. Call us today to schedule an appointment if you are having trouble with your sewer line.

Worker replacing a damaged sewer line outdoors in Prosper & Celina, TX

Common Signs of Sewer Line Failure

At Specialty Plumbing, we work hard on your behalf. We believe in providing exceptional customer support – no matter how complex the job might be. Sewer line replacement is a complicated task, but we have the expertise required to do the job. Our team is more than willing to go the extra mile, ensuring we provide unparalleled service to our clients. That means educating our customers about the signs of sewer line failure, which can include:

Blockages and Backups

If you regularly experience clogs or backflow in your home, then the sewer line could very well be the problem. Because there could be other causes, you will need to hire our team to take a look using our state-of-the-art cameras.


Sanitary sewers should be airtight everywhere – except for the vent stacks. Sewer odors in or around your property are a clear-cut sign that something is amiss. Usually, the culprit is a crack or hole in the sewer line, which we can replace.

Slow Drainage

If your sinks, showers, and toilets are still draining – but do so slowly – then this could be a sign that there is a blockage forming. It is important to get ahead of the curve in this case because this blockage can only grow worse. Replacement is not always necessary in this case.

Soggy Spots On Your Lawn

If you notice soft, wet spots on your lawn, the fault is not with the grass. The sewer line is most likely the culprit! These damp areas indicate that there is an excess of moisture underneath the surface near the sewer line.

Lush Patches of Grass

Everyone wants a pristine, green lawn. But be aware that patches of unusually lush grass are a sign that there is something wrong with the sewer line. The cause could be unexpected exposure to sewage, which is a fertilizer.

We Perform Sewer Line Replacement Carefully

At Specialty Plumbing Heating and Air, we have extensive experience replacing sewer lines. We understand that calling us can be stressful. We can promise that we will perform these repairs without completely disrupting your landscaping. Contact our team will walk you through the process before proceeding to ensure you understand how it is done.

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